Friday, 4 November 2011

Our aim was to show conflict in our photograph one way or another, we decided to show natural conflict between different seasons, textures and colours. The specific season’s autumn and winter, as it almost looks like they are ‘fighting’ for space, which shows some sort of conflict within the image. I feel that the photograph has quite a ‘violent’ and ‘aggressive’ feeling to it whilst have the soft and blurred effect of the plants leaves going across the image, which contrast with the sharp, detailed and ‘in focus’ winter twig plants in the background of the photograph.  The use of a higher f stop gave us more of a depth of field which connotes a conflict that's never ending and also the use of the blurred background gave the picture a sense of mystery. We decided to have one main 'alive' plant crossing the picture blurred to also connote a sense of mystery but to also create a sense of something disappearing/fading into the rest of the dead twigs etc. Also the 'alive plant' looks like it is trying to escape but is being pulled into the twigs due to the angle of the plant. We tried to let in less light through the aperture to create a 'darkish' background to create a sense of death/evil as winter is when plants etc die. The strong lines of the twigs in the background create a sense of confusion/overwhelming which connotes something trying to take over something which is what we attentionally aimed for.

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