Content - In the image the main key things I can see that I believe are there for a particular reason is: the bridge, the women, main boat, dead trees and the workhouse/ factory building in the background. The fact that the women is running could suggest she's running to or from something, the point of the end of the boat resembles something sharp which could connote danger. However by the movement of the women it looks almost like she's 'galloping' which could show freedom. This contrast between the factory building which men have built and work at to support them and their families. This could suggest the roles for men and women in the specific country and time. My eyes are particularly drawn to the boat in the centre, as it almost leads you into the picture which has the comparison of a bridge leading you somewhere. The fact that there's no one else apart from the women in the image suggest and creates a sense of loneliness and vulnerability. However on the other hand it could suggest freedom. With the use of the reflection on the water could again show the strong division between women/men and the freedom of a women/male dominance. The main message of the photograph I feel is the strong contrast in lifestyle and gender in that specific time and culture. I feel that the image was set up, to make sure the women and the point of the boat was specifically there to give the particular theme and feeling which gave me the message I got from the photograph.
Form - firstly the photograph is all in focus to suggest all of the different parts of the image is important in giving the audience a specific message and feeling. The image personally doesnt give me a impact as it is a very confusing image which takes time to figure out as the real purpose could be a variety of different things. There is a strong use linear, which instead of being straight the are very curved on one side in the bridge ( boats edges and the bridge itself) compared to the other side where there is the use of straight lines used in the buildings. This again gives of the contrast between men and women and lifestyle in general as indicates the different types on either side of the bridge.
The shapes used are mainly very curved and pointed on one side of the bridge compared to the other where there is bold block like buildings. The use of depth of field shows the importance of specific parts on the photograph being the main boat. Tone is again used to show the contrast, as the right side of the image, which is where the women is running to is very dark and gloomy, compared to the opposite side where the buildings are which give of a lighter tone. This again suggest the contrast as men build houses, they mainly work in bug factories, whereas women don't usually. The fact she's running away from that side suggest she's trying to get away from the 'make dominance and the ' building/work life) and running to the free 'darker nature'. Also the use of texture on the right hand side is more harsher and rough with the ripple of the water more intense and darker and the sharp harsh feel of the dead trees compared to the opposite side.